User Roles

Market administrators grant roles to users, whether retail or institutional to allow them to interact with the market.

Default Roles

TMI exposes pre-defined roles for simpler interactions

AdminCreator of the market and acts as an administrator. Can create or grant roles in addition to critical actions in the market such as approving upcoming vaults, pools ,or fund withdrawals,
IssuerCreates assets, vaults, and fractions and organizes sales and staking pools for investors to invest
InvestorInvited to purchase vault fractions during sales or stake in pools.
Issuer-inviterAn issuer that can invite its investors to sales and pools.
OpenAssigned to everyone when markets are not gated by roles.

Market admin will soon be able to create their custom roles to validate, access limited sales, or permission to grant roles on behalf of the administrator.

Granting roles

Administrators add users to the market by granting roles to wallets at the smart contract level by signin a transaction

Depending on the market compliance level, users with roles will still have to go through a compliance check as defined by ComPilot rules specified by the administrator.