Market Types


A market is a diamond contract following the EIP-2535 standard, deployed from Evergon's factory contract. Each market is a sovereign instance deployed specifically by and for the market administrator.

Depending on the specification, the market will have configured facets, which act as features for the market.

Market Types

There are 3 types of markets:

Sale1. Wraps assets
2. and sells fraction
1. Purchases fractions
2. optional -> Burn fractions for wrapped asset
Financing1. Wraps assets as collateral,
2. Sells fractions
3. Purchases the fraction back
1. Purchases fractions
2. Sells fraction at a (higher) price to the investor
StakingCreates a staking pool:

1. locking input token,
2. rewarding output tokens
3. that follow a distribution algorithm
1. Stakes input token
2. Gets reward in output token


The market administrator needs to specify the following when deploying a market

  1. Market-type related information as above
  2. The ComPilot ID to link the compliance rules (KYB/KYC/KYT) for market users with the market
  3. The accessibility of the market -- whether it's private (invite-only) or public (open for everyone)
  4. The chain to deploy the markets

Market type related specification

Sale and Financing

For Sale and financing markets, market administrators must specify:

  1. The token standard accepted to wrap
  2. The token standard of the fraction
  3. Whether the sales have
    1. hard cap, soft cap, or both
    2. have a start date, an end date, or both
  4. the accepted currencies to raise funds


Market administrators must specify staking-specific information as mentioned here

Compliance Rules

Onboarding involves bringing issuers and investors onto the platform. Define who can issue and invest in assets within your market where only approved participants can interact, ensuring that all participants meet your compliance standards.

Market Creators can use the ComPilot Crypto AML Compliance Solution widget, integrated into the Token Market Infrastructure, to:

  • Onboard participants, add their information and upload their documentation (ID, proof of address, etc.).
  • Check participants against sanction lists, PEP (politically exposed persons) lists, and adverse media records.
  • Assign a verified wallet to each participant through the KYC/KYB service.
  • Gate the platform, ensuring only users who have completed the verification checks can access the market.
  • After verification, participant activity is continuously monitored via KYT, with each transaction requiring an additional eligibility check to maintain compliance.

Market accessibility

Deciding whether to make your market public or private is a key strategic decision. This choice affects the accessibility of the market and the potential investor base:

  • Private Market: Admin must invite users by granting them roles (issuers, investors...) which involve on-chain transactions.
  • Public Market: No roles are required to issue assets and sales and invest in them. Public markets can still be gated by compliance rules.


Finally, market administrator define where their market is deployed. It can be deployed on a single chain or multiple chains through Evergon's omnichain infrastructure.

For sale and financing omnichain markets, the wrapped and collateralized assets are secured in a single chain, but the fractions purchased and issued to investors are omnichain.