Search Assets

Search for onchain assets, using filters on:

  • asset identifier(s): IDs, or contract addresses with hosting blockchain identifiers or not
  • blockchain identifier(s): assets' hosting blockchain(s) ID(s)
  • asset standard(s): one or more asset implemented standards to filter on
  • asset usage(s): one or more asset usages to filter on

When filtering based on asset identifiers, specify either their ID (recommended) or their onchain contract address.
Hosting blockchain identifiers for their smart contracts must be specified.

If asset identifiers are provided, other filters are not considered.

You can filter on either the assets' standard or usages, or combine both for cumulating these filters, in addition to the blockchain(s) specification.

If no asset identifier, standard, nor usage is specified, then all assets of the specified blockchain identifier(s) are retrieved.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!