Search for Assets

Search for assets using customizable filters:

  1. Default behavior:

    • If no assets specified: Retrieves all assets
    • If user specified: Retrieves only user-related assets
  2. Asset identification (mutually exclusive):

    • Asset ID (recommended)
    • Onchain contract address
    • If both provided, only asset IDs are considered
  3. User-related filtering:

    • Retrieves assets where the user has a defined role
    • User roles are specified per asset
    • User identification (mutually exclusive):
      a. User ID (recommended)
      b. Registered wallet/account address
    • If both user ID and wallet address provided, only user ID is considered

This endpoint allows for precise querying of asset data, accommodating various use cases from broad overviews to specific user-asset interactions.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!